Discover and understand nature

Discover and understand nature

Over 30 experience centers offer fascinating insights

Over 30 experience centers offer fascinating insights

More than 30 adventure centers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern offer fascinating insights

Discover the beauty of nature in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern! Here you can experience untouched landscapes, expansive national parks and unique coastlines with natural beaches. In the various nature experience centers you can experience a wide range of nature experiences for all tastes and ages. Whether birdwatching, cycling, hiking or simply relaxing hours in nature, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has something appealing to offer for every nature lover.

Three national parks, three biosphere reserves and seven nature parks preserve a fabulous world of flora and fauna. If you want to immerse yourself in this realm of nature, the best place to start is at one of the unique nature experience centers.

The outdoor exhibition „Where nature is at home“ shows the special diversity of nature in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – a great experience at any time of year
  • From May 31 to August 29, the exhibition can be seen on Steinplatzin Berlin and from September 3 to October 31 in Bodstedt at the harbour.

With the free augmented reality app „So tickt Natur“, developed for the exhibition, you can go on a very special journey through the nature and adventure centers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with videos and 360-degree views. Download the app before your visit and immerse yourself in the realm of nature on site.

To the app for Android and iOS.

See nature with different eyes

Petrified hedgehogs, trees fleeing from the wind and wandering dunes - as they can also be seen in our film - this is how Mecklenburg-Vorpommern welcomes its guests. But you can also marvel at the wonders of nature in all the other regions of the vacation state.

In more than 30 adventure centers, young and old explorers learn to see this fascinating nature with different eyes. In the interactive exhibition of the Müritzeum, it bubbles and rushes from the giant screens in the entrance area of the multimedia museum, before it goes on a discovery tour through the habitat of storks and moray eels on a total of 2,000 square meters.

At the Rügen Natural Heritage Center, the path leads from the bottom of the lake up to lofty heights: in addition to a spectacular view from the treetop path, guests can also enjoy a multimedia exhibition and numerous hands-on opportunities in one of the center's craft workshops.

At Schwerin Zoo, on the other hand, you can immerse yourself in the Red List Center and experience the topic of species conservation, or travel through the realm of the great apes at Rostock Zoo. You can dive into an otherwise hidden universe in unique aquarium landscapes of the Ozeaneum in Stralsund and in the bear conservation center Bärenwald Müritz you can catch exciting insights into the life of brown bears on a forest hike. By the way, a relative of today's brown bears, the cave bear, lived in the time of the mammoth. If you want to learn how nature ticks, the adventure centers are just the right place.

Events and Tours

Experience Nature from new Perspectives

© Bjarne Wiesenberg

The mysterious underwater world - from plants to fish

Read more: "The mysterious underwater world - from plants to fish"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike around Thiessow

Read more: "Ranger hike around Thiessow"
© Lucia Zust

Bodden in view

Read more: "Bodden in view"
© Kurverwaltung Feldberger Seenlandschaft

"In the realm of wildflowers and butterflies"

Read more: ""In the realm of wildflowers and butterflies""
© Tandera Theater, Testorf

Theater in the PAHLHUUS

Read more: "Theater in the PAHLHUUS"

Off to the pecks of the forest - family tour

Read more: "Off to the pecks of the forest - family tour"
© NZK-Lehmann

Outdoor research for young and old

Read more: "Outdoor research for young and old"
© Bruno Dittrich, EUROPARC Deutschland

In the realm of ospreys

Read more: "In the realm of ospreys"
© Roman Vitt

In the realm of birds of prey - family tour

Read more: "In the realm of birds of prey - family tour"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

WeitSicht - Green forest on white chalk

Read more: "WeitSicht - Green forest on white chalk"
© NPA Vorpommern

On the trail of nature - family tour

Read more: "On the trail of nature - family tour"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

For our younger guests - discover the forest and beach with the ranger

Read more: "For our younger guests - discover the forest and beach with the ranger"

Expedition with the raft - family tour

Read more: "Expedition with the raft - family tour"
© NPA Vorpommern

The dune heath

Read more: "The dune heath"
© K. Baerwald

Wild forest by the sea

Read more: "Wild forest by the sea"
© B. Lüthi Herrmann

Hunters of the night - family tour

Read more: "Hunters of the night - family tour"
© NZK-Lehmann

Romantic short tour

Read more: "Romantic short tour"
© Roman Vitt

In the realm of birds of prey - family tour

Read more: "In the realm of birds of prey - family tour"
© NZK-Lehmann

Romantic days at the Königsstuhl

Read more: "Romantic days at the Königsstuhl"

Multifaceted insects - diversity | endangerment | protection

Read more: "Multifaceted insects - diversity | endangerment | protection"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike in the Granitz

Read more: "Ranger hike in the Granitz"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike through the Seedorf hills

Read more: "Ranger hike through the Seedorf hills"
© AndeasDuerst/Werk3

Diving operation in the deep pool

Read more: "Diving operation in the deep pool"
© Lea-Marie Kühn

With six legs through nature - the exciting world of insects

Read more: "With six legs through nature - the exciting world of insects"

Visit the OZEANEUM on the State Zoo Day

Read more: "Visit the OZEANEUM on the State Zoo Day"
© Jürgen Reich

The Old Bessin

Read more: "The Old Bessin"
© NZK-Lehmann

Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows"

Read more: "Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows""
© Förderkreis Festung Dömitz e.V.

Summer night picnic at Dömitz Fortress

Read more: "Summer night picnic at Dömitz Fortress"

Explorer day on the east bank of the Müritz

Read more: "Explorer day on the east bank of the Müritz"
© Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft M. Wyczinski

From forest paradise garden to primeval beech forest

Read more: "From forest paradise garden to primeval beech forest"
© Japangarten "Keissu-En"

Guided tour of the Japanese Garden in Feldberg

Read more: "Guided tour of the Japanese Garden in Feldberg"

Visit NATUREUM on State Zoo Day

Read more: "Visit NATUREUM on State Zoo Day"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

Experience nature - discover history

Read more: "Experience nature - discover history"

Visit the MEERESMUSEUM on State Zoo Day

Read more: "Visit the MEERESMUSEUM on State Zoo Day"
© NZK-Lehmann

Painting course with Rügen artist Kathrin Thesenvitz

Read more: "Painting course with Rügen artist Kathrin Thesenvitz"
© NZK-Lehmann

Summer rally "Discovery stations"

Read more: "Summer rally "Discovery stations""
© U. Meßner

Learning from the forest - tour with the research manager of the Müritz National Park

Read more: "Learning from the forest - tour with the research manager of the Müritz National Park"
© BjarneWiesenberg

Who eats what: herbivores - carnivores - omnivores

Read more: "Who eats what: herbivores - carnivores - omnivores"
© T. Thiede

"Beaver, otter & co"

Read more: ""Beaver, otter & co""
© NZK-Lehmann

WWF Adventure Tour "Wild Rügen - UNESCO World Heritage, Chalk & Sea"

Read more: "WWF Adventure Tour "Wild Rügen - UNESCO World Heritage, Chalk & Sea""
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike through the Goor nature reserve

Read more: "Ranger hike through the Goor nature reserve"
© J. Bassek

High sky, wide land

Read more: "High sky, wide land"
© Jürgen Reich/ NPA

Beach tour

Read more: "Beach tour"
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

From tree to forest glass - a bike tour

Read more: "From tree to forest glass - a bike tour"
© Lilli Reisig / NLP

Forest in transition

Read more: "Forest in transition"
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

Search for clues for young and old - family tour

Read more: "Search for clues for young and old - family tour"

Family workshop: "Small marine animals up close"

Read more: "Family workshop: "Small marine animals up close""
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike in the Zicker mountains

Read more: "Ranger hike in the Zicker mountains"
© NZK-Lehmann

Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows"

Read more: "Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows""

Gold leaf in the UNESCO World Heritage Site

Read more: "Gold leaf in the UNESCO World Heritage Site"
© Oliver Eckelt

State Zoo Day at the Müritzeum

Read more: "State Zoo Day at the Müritzeum"
© NZK-Christian Thiele

Family Forest Festival at the UNESCO World Heritage Forum

Read more: "Family Forest Festival at the UNESCO World Heritage Forum"

Family workshop: "Beach finds"

Read more: "Family workshop: "Beach finds""
© Lea-Marie Kühn

Time travel to the Stone Age

Read more: "Time travel to the Stone Age"
© Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft A. Griesau

"Ghosts of the night"

Read more: ""Ghosts of the night""
© Volker Lohrmann

Time capsule amber

Read more: "Time capsule amber"

Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the evening

Read more: "Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the evening"
© Ulrich Meßner, Nationalparkamt Müritz

The lion, the wolf and the wild people in the forest - family tour

Read more: "The lion, the wolf and the wild people in the forest - family tour"
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

Hike into the new year

Read more: "Hike into the new year"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

World Ranger Day

Read more: "World Ranger Day"
© Thomas Oppermann

Children's day in the BÄRENWALD Müritz

Read more: "Children's day in the BÄRENWALD Müritz"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike around the Göhrener Nordperd

Read more: "Ranger hike around the Göhrener Nordperd"
© Nationalparkamt Müritz

17th Kratzeburg Bat Night - Family Event

Read more: "17th Kratzeburg Bat Night - Family Event"
© Zoo Schwerin

Evening safari through the zoo

Read more: "Evening safari through the zoo"
© K. Bärwald

National Park guided tour Barhöft

Read more: "National Park guided tour Barhöft"

Special exhibition "From the Königsweg to the Skywalk - a building history"

Read more: "Special exhibition "From the Königsweg to the Skywalk - a building history""
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

World Ranger Day 2023 - Family Event

Read more: "World Ranger Day 2023 - Family Event"
© NZK-Lehmann

Summer rally "Discovery stations"

Read more: "Summer rally "Discovery stations""

Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the morning

Read more: "Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the morning"
© Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

Krax's diary - "New Neighbors" adventure rally

Read more: "Krax's diary - "New Neighbors" adventure rally"
© NZK-Lehmann

"Turn old into new" - upcycling workshop

Read more: ""Turn old into new" - upcycling workshop"
© NPA Müritz

Serrahn history

Read more: "Serrahn history"
© Kurverwaltung Feldberger Seenlandschaft

A good start to the day with Kneipp

Read more: "A good start to the day with Kneipp"
© NZK-Lehmann

UNESCO World Heritage exhibition "Ancient Beech Forests"

Read more: "UNESCO World Heritage exhibition "Ancient Beech Forests""
© Müritzeum

A day in the life of a bee

Read more: "A day in the life of a bee"
© Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft M. Wyczinski

Orchard - Forgotten diversity in our landscape

Read more: "Orchard - Forgotten diversity in our landscape"
© Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

Family quiz: 1, 2 or 3 - in the World Heritage Site!

Read more: "Family quiz: 1, 2 or 3 - in the World Heritage Site!"
© Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

Short tour for young and old

Read more: "Short tour for young and old"
© K. Haase

Dune sand and the glitter of the sea

Read more: "Dune sand and the glitter of the sea"
1- 0 from 0

Nature Experience Tips at a Glance

The Experience Centres show how Nature ticks

To the map

30 Ergebnisse

Cyclists at the tourist information office, © Stadt Neustrelitz

National park visitor centre in Neustrelitz

  • Open today
  • Strelitzer Straße, 17235 Neustrelitz

Accommodation bureau, event service, sale of touristic relevant articles such as bike and hiking maps, picture postcards, illustrated books, guided city tours (including climbing the tower of the city’s cathedral), awarding touristic fishing licences

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Neustrelitz"
© D. Foitlänger, Biosphärenreservatsamt Schaalsee-Elbe

Information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Closed today
  • Auf der Festung, 19303 Dömitz

Since 1997, the Elbe river landscape has been a UNESCO biosphere reserve that stretches across five federal states. The nature there is unique and the river influences the life, the landscape and people along the Elbe. At the visitor cente fortress of Dömitz visitors can get information about the UNESCO biosphere reserve.

Read more: "Information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
© Ulrich Unger

Outdoor exhibition “EinFlussReich“

  • Freely accessible at any time
  • Am Elbberg, 19258 Boizenburg/Elbe

Life by a river like the Elbe has many advantages that people have used for centuries. At the same time, they had to protect themselves from the dangers of flooding and built dikes and dams. The open-air exhibition “EinFlussReich”, located in the immediate vicinity of the famous Elwkieker observation tower, provides children and adults with information on the subject of flooding in a playful way.

Read more: "Outdoor exhibition “EinFlussReich“"
© Nationalparkamt Müritz

National park visitor centre in Blankenförde

  • Blankenförde, 17252 Roggentin

The visitor centre of the national park is located close to a small timbered church in the building of the former village school and houses a photograph exhibition with the topic ”Vögel und Co. am Zotzensee”.

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Blankenförde"
The PAHLHUUS is the information center of the Biosphere Reserve Schaalsee, © PAHLHUUS/Dornblut

“PAHLHUUS“ – Visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Schaalsee“

  • Open today
  • Wittenburger Chaussee, 19246 Zarrentin am Schaalsee

Welcome to the PAHLHUUS, the visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve „Schaalsee“. We are happy to inform you about touristic offers and show you the most beautiful places in the biosphere reserve. Extraordinary insights into nature and landscape of the region await you in an interactive exhibition.

Read more: "“PAHLHUUS“ – Visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Schaalsee“"
© Felix Gänsicke

MÜRITZEUM - The NatureExperienceCenter in Waren (Müritz)

  • Open today
  • Zur Steinmole, 17192 Waren (Müritz)

The Müritzeum shows the beauty and special features of the Mecklenburg Lake District and the Müritz National Park in an interactive exhibition. In Germany's largest aquarium landscape for native freshwater fish, you dive under the water surface of the 1000 lakes.

Read more: "MÜRITZEUM - The NatureExperienceCenter in Waren (Müritz)"
© NZK | T. Allrich

National Park Centre Königsstuhl

  • Open today
  • Stubbenkammer, 18546 Sassnitz

Right next to the famous chalk cliff Königsstuhl and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Ancient Beech Forests, the National Park Center KÖNIGSSTUHL offers a special nature experience for the whole family. A world full of secrets is waiting to be discovered by you on 2,000 square meters of exhibition space and 28,000 square meters of outdoor area.

Read more: "National Park Centre Königsstuhl"
© Bildarchiv Biosphärenreservatsamt-Südost-Rügen

The “Granitzhaus“ and exhibition

  • Open today
  • Jagdschloss Granitz, 18609 Binz

Since 2004, the former forester’s and guest house of the “Fürsten zu Putbus“ houses a visitor centre about the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Südost-Rügen“.

Read more: "The “Granitzhaus“ and exhibition"
© TMV/Gohlke

Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center

  • Open today
  • Ziegenhorn, 19395 Karow

The central contact point for nature lovers and guests of the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heath Nature Park is the Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center. In addition to a permanent exhibition on the development of this cultural landscape since the last cold period, five to six special exhibitions by artists and photographers on topics of nature and landscape are shown annually.

Read more: "Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center"
Exterior view of the OZEANEUM from the harbour side, © Foto: Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum (Motiv aus der Ausstellung „Riesen der Meere“: Martin Harms/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

OZEANEUM Stralsund

  • Open today
  • Hafenstraße, 18439 Stralsund

With its five exhibitions and 46 aquariums, the OZEANEUM Stralsund invites you on an extraordinary underwater journey beneath the northern seas. Visit Humboldt penguins on the roof terrace, "Niki" the female sand tiger shark in the 2.6-million-litre pool "Open Atlantic" and the giants of the sea - real life replicas of whales.

Read more: "OZEANEUM Stralsund"
© Stephan Macke

National Park exhibition “Insel Schatz Ummanz“ in Waase

  • Neue Straße, 18569 Waase/ Ummanz

The little village Waase, located on the isle of Ummanz, combines the scenic indentation and the island and timbered idyll. The visitor information and a small national park exhibition are combined under the thatched roof of the ”Alte Küsterei”. The colourful diversity of the isle of Ummanz and the national park represent the main focus of the small exhibition that has been renewed in 2018.

Read more: "National Park exhibition “Insel Schatz Ummanz“ in Waase"
© Zoo Rostock/Braun

Rostock Zoo

  • Open today
  • Barnstorfer Ring, 18059 Rostock

At Rostock Zoo, the best zoo in Europe, experience 4,200 animals in 430 different species from all over the world in just one day. In the DARWINEUM, you will embark on a spectacular journey through evolution. The heart of the living museum beats in the Tropical Hall - home to the gorillas and orangutans. Open daily from 9 a.m.

Read more: "Rostock Zoo"
© Kur- und Tourist GmbH Darß

Nature park and guest centre “Darßer Arche“

  • Open today
  • Bliesenrader Weg, 18375 Wieck a. Darß

The national park and visitor centre “Darßer Arche“ is located in the old school of Wieck, which was supplemented by a generous extension. The guest information and accommodation bureau welcomes you in the foyer and in the hull-looking new building of the “Darßer Arche“ you will experience the national park exhibition “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft“.

Read more: "Nature park and guest centre “Darßer Arche“"
© J. Lippke

Visitor information centre of the Nature Park “Sternberger Seenland“

  • Open today
  • Am Markt, 19417 Warin

The visitor information centre in Warin is the ideal starting point in order to inform oneself about the different destinations and experiences the nature park offers. One can learn something about the landscape’s formation and the way the human’s occupation influenced its development. The unique flora and fauna of the nature park greatly fascinate the visitors. Borrow a backpack at the visitor centre and discover the nature park in your own way.

Read more: "Visitor information centre of the Nature Park “Sternberger Seenland“"
Enjoy the panoramic view at a height of 40 meters from the "Adlerhorst" observation tower, © Erlebnis Akademie AG / Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen

Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)

  • Open today
  • Forsthaus Prora, 18609 Ostseebad Binz OT Prora

The Natural Heritage Centre Rügen with treetop path and experience exhibition is open 364 days a year so that you can experience and get to know nature all year round.

Read more: "Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)"
© G. Marin-Ziegler

Small exhibition of the Nature Park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“

  • Wargentiner Straße, 17139 Basedow

The exhibition about the nature park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“ in Basedow can be found in the cafe “Alter Schafstall“, on the right side of the guest room. It displays land and people of the region.

Read more: "Small exhibition of the Nature Park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“"
© TMV/Gohlke

Naturparkausstellung zum Naturpark "Feldberger Seenlandschaft" im Haus des Gastes

  • Open today
  • Strelitzer Straße, 17258 Feldberger Seenlandschaft

Im südöstlichen Bereich der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte zwischen den Städten Fürstenberg, Woldegk und Neustrelitz befindet sich der 36.000 Hektar große Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft. Neben zahlreichen Seen und Kesselmooren sind hier mit etwas Glück See- und Fischadler oder Biber zu bewundern.

Read more: "Naturparkausstellung zum Naturpark "Feldberger Seenlandschaft" im Haus des Gastes"
© Nationalpark-Information Federow

National park visitor centre in Federow

  • Open today
  • Damerower Straße, 17192 Kargow OT Federow

The Müritz National Park: famous for its sea-eagles, ospreys and thousands of rabbits that rest here in the autumn and spring.

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Federow"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

“Sundische Wiese“ - National park information of Zingst

  • Open today
  • Sundische Wiese, 18374 Zingst

The exhibition “Lebensräume“ displays the history and present of the Ostzingst.

Read more: "“Sundische Wiese“ - National park information of Zingst"
© Katrin Köppen

National park house on Hiddensee

  • Open today
  • Norderende, 18565 Vitte/Hiddensee

"Veränderung" (change) is the title of the exhibition in the visitor information centre of the National Park “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft” and hardly anything could be more appropriate for the island of Hiddensee, which is constantly growing and changing due to the forces of nature.

Read more: "National park house on Hiddensee"
© Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort

  • Darßer Ort, 18375 Born am Darß

The NATUREUM as a natural history museum in the National Park of "Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft" is located on the peninsula Darß near Prerow directly at the accessible lighthouse Darßer Ort and is one of several locations of the German Oceanographic Museum. Here, the diversity, dynamics and need for protection of the unique Darß landscape are presented in particular.

Read more: "NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort"
© Thomas Oppermann


  • Open today
  • Am Bärenwald, 17209 Stuer

Brown bears – all of which came from improperly kept habitats – live in Western Europe’s largest bear sanctuary in the Mecklenburg Lakes. It is open all year round!

Read more: "BÄRENWALD Müritz"
© © Roeder

Schwerin Zoological Garden

  • Waldschulweg, 19061 Schwerin

A green oasis lies in the centre of Schwerin, which is characterised by a 3 ha large bird meadow as well as semi-natural animal enclosures, which are a second home to the 650 animals from 120 species. Schwerin zoo is one of the most beautiful in Germany.

Read more: "Schwerin Zoological Garden"
© TMV/Gohlke

Visitor centre “Flatterhus Kratzeburg“

  • Open today
  • Dorfstraße, 17237 Kratzeburg

The visitor information centre called “Kratzeburger Flatterhus“ houses an exhibition about the mysterious hunters of the night: the bats.

Read more: "Visitor centre “Flatterhus Kratzeburg“"
© TMV/Bodieschek

Visitor information centre of the National Park “Serrahn“

  • Open today
  • Serrah Waldstraße, 17237 Serrahn

In the little village named Serrahn, which is located in the depths of the woods, visitors have the opportunity to have a look at the exhibition “Buchenurwälder der Karpaten und Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands“ concerning the UNESCO world natural heritage.

Read more: "Visitor information centre of the National Park “Serrahn“"
© Gesine Häfner / Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

UNESCO World Heritage Forum

  • Open today
  • Waldhalle, 18546 Sassnitz

The hiking base near the port town of Sassnitz on the island of Rügen is dedicated to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage idea. Nature lovers can learn about the phenomenon of ancient beech forests here or simply linger in the greenery, fortify themselves and unwind.

Read more: "UNESCO World Heritage Forum"
Touching, hearing and seeing, you can learn amazing things about ospreys, pikes and yellow fire beetles at the National Park Information Boek, © Nationalparkamt Müritz

Boek Manor House / National Park Information

  • Temporarily closed
  • Boeker Straße, 17248 Boek

Accessible exhibition "The fishermen of Boek

Read more: "Boek Manor House / National Park Information"
© J. Bengs

Visitor centre of the Nature Park “Insel Usedom“

  • Open today
  • Bäderstraße, 17406 Usedom

The island of Usedom is one of the areas with the most bird species in Germany. Overall, more than 280 species have been observed, 150 of them also brood here. 11 kinds of raptors regularly brood in the nature park, one of them is the sea-eagle. The visitor centre of the island of Usedom is located next to the information centre of the city of Usedom on the ground floor of the “Klaus-Bahlsen-Haus”. The visitor centre could only be built and furnished with the aid of the great commitment and the generous support of the correspondent foundation.

Read more: "Visitor centre of the Nature Park “Insel Usedom“"
© K. Bärwald

National park visitor centre in Barhöft

  • Haus Norden Am Barhöfter Kliff, 18445 Barhöft

Visitor centre of the National Park “Vorpommernsche Boddenlandschaft”

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Barhöft"
© TMV/Gohlke

Nationalpark-Information Schwarzenhof

  • Open today
  • Schwarzenhof, 17192 Kargow

Das kleine Gutsdorf Schwarzenhof verfügt über eine Nationalpark-Information mit einer Fotoausstellung.

Read more: "Nationalpark-Information Schwarzenhof"
Cyclists at the tourist information office, © Stadt Neustrelitz

National park visitor centre in Neustrelitz

  • Open today
  • Strelitzer Straße, 17235 Neustrelitz

Accommodation bureau, event service, sale of touristic relevant articles such as bike and hiking maps, picture postcards, illustrated books, guided city tours (including climbing the tower of the city’s cathedral), awarding touristic fishing licences

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Neustrelitz"
© D. Foitlänger, Biosphärenreservatsamt Schaalsee-Elbe

Information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • Closed today
  • Auf der Festung, 19303 Dömitz

Since 1997, the Elbe river landscape has been a UNESCO biosphere reserve that stretches across five federal states. The nature there is unique and the river influences the life, the landscape and people along the Elbe. At the visitor cente fortress of Dömitz visitors can get information about the UNESCO biosphere reserve.

Read more: "Information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
© Ulrich Unger

Outdoor exhibition “EinFlussReich“

  • Freely accessible at any time
  • Am Elbberg, 19258 Boizenburg/Elbe

Life by a river like the Elbe has many advantages that people have used for centuries. At the same time, they had to protect themselves from the dangers of flooding and built dikes and dams. The open-air exhibition “EinFlussReich”, located in the immediate vicinity of the famous Elwkieker observation tower, provides children and adults with information on the subject of flooding in a playful way.

Read more: "Outdoor exhibition “EinFlussReich“"
© Nationalparkamt Müritz

National park visitor centre in Blankenförde

  • Blankenförde, 17252 Roggentin

The visitor centre of the national park is located close to a small timbered church in the building of the former village school and houses a photograph exhibition with the topic ”Vögel und Co. am Zotzensee”.

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The PAHLHUUS is the information center of the Biosphere Reserve Schaalsee, © PAHLHUUS/Dornblut

“PAHLHUUS“ – Visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Schaalsee“

  • Open today
  • Wittenburger Chaussee, 19246 Zarrentin am Schaalsee

Welcome to the PAHLHUUS, the visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve „Schaalsee“. We are happy to inform you about touristic offers and show you the most beautiful places in the biosphere reserve. Extraordinary insights into nature and landscape of the region await you in an interactive exhibition.

Read more: "“PAHLHUUS“ – Visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Schaalsee“"
© Felix Gänsicke

MÜRITZEUM - The NatureExperienceCenter in Waren (Müritz)

  • Open today
  • Zur Steinmole, 17192 Waren (Müritz)

The Müritzeum shows the beauty and special features of the Mecklenburg Lake District and the Müritz National Park in an interactive exhibition. In Germany's largest aquarium landscape for native freshwater fish, you dive under the water surface of the 1000 lakes.

Read more: "MÜRITZEUM - The NatureExperienceCenter in Waren (Müritz)"
© NZK | T. Allrich

National Park Centre Königsstuhl

  • Open today
  • Stubbenkammer, 18546 Sassnitz

Right next to the famous chalk cliff Königsstuhl and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Ancient Beech Forests, the National Park Center KÖNIGSSTUHL offers a special nature experience for the whole family. A world full of secrets is waiting to be discovered by you on 2,000 square meters of exhibition space and 28,000 square meters of outdoor area.

Read more: "National Park Centre Königsstuhl"
© Bildarchiv Biosphärenreservatsamt-Südost-Rügen

The “Granitzhaus“ and exhibition

  • Open today
  • Jagdschloss Granitz, 18609 Binz

Since 2004, the former forester’s and guest house of the “Fürsten zu Putbus“ houses a visitor centre about the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Südost-Rügen“.

Read more: "The “Granitzhaus“ and exhibition"
© TMV/Gohlke

Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center

  • Open today
  • Ziegenhorn, 19395 Karow

The central contact point for nature lovers and guests of the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heath Nature Park is the Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center. In addition to a permanent exhibition on the development of this cultural landscape since the last cold period, five to six special exhibitions by artists and photographers on topics of nature and landscape are shown annually.

Read more: "Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center"
Exterior view of the OZEANEUM from the harbour side, © Foto: Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum (Motiv aus der Ausstellung „Riesen der Meere“: Martin Harms/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

OZEANEUM Stralsund

  • Open today
  • Hafenstraße, 18439 Stralsund

With its five exhibitions and 46 aquariums, the OZEANEUM Stralsund invites you on an extraordinary underwater journey beneath the northern seas. Visit Humboldt penguins on the roof terrace, "Niki" the female sand tiger shark in the 2.6-million-litre pool "Open Atlantic" and the giants of the sea - real life replicas of whales.

Read more: "OZEANEUM Stralsund"
© Stephan Macke

National Park exhibition “Insel Schatz Ummanz“ in Waase

  • Neue Straße, 18569 Waase/ Ummanz

The little village Waase, located on the isle of Ummanz, combines the scenic indentation and the island and timbered idyll. The visitor information and a small national park exhibition are combined under the thatched roof of the ”Alte Küsterei”. The colourful diversity of the isle of Ummanz and the national park represent the main focus of the small exhibition that has been renewed in 2018.

Read more: "National Park exhibition “Insel Schatz Ummanz“ in Waase"
© Zoo Rostock/Braun

Rostock Zoo

  • Open today
  • Barnstorfer Ring, 18059 Rostock

At Rostock Zoo, the best zoo in Europe, experience 4,200 animals in 430 different species from all over the world in just one day. In the DARWINEUM, you will embark on a spectacular journey through evolution. The heart of the living museum beats in the Tropical Hall - home to the gorillas and orangutans. Open daily from 9 a.m.

Read more: "Rostock Zoo"
© Kur- und Tourist GmbH Darß

Nature park and guest centre “Darßer Arche“

  • Open today
  • Bliesenrader Weg, 18375 Wieck a. Darß

The national park and visitor centre “Darßer Arche“ is located in the old school of Wieck, which was supplemented by a generous extension. The guest information and accommodation bureau welcomes you in the foyer and in the hull-looking new building of the “Darßer Arche“ you will experience the national park exhibition “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft“.

Read more: "Nature park and guest centre “Darßer Arche“"
© J. Lippke

Visitor information centre of the Nature Park “Sternberger Seenland“

  • Open today
  • Am Markt, 19417 Warin

The visitor information centre in Warin is the ideal starting point in order to inform oneself about the different destinations and experiences the nature park offers. One can learn something about the landscape’s formation and the way the human’s occupation influenced its development. The unique flora and fauna of the nature park greatly fascinate the visitors. Borrow a backpack at the visitor centre and discover the nature park in your own way.

Read more: "Visitor information centre of the Nature Park “Sternberger Seenland“"
Enjoy the panoramic view at a height of 40 meters from the "Adlerhorst" observation tower, © Erlebnis Akademie AG / Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen

Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)

  • Open today
  • Forsthaus Prora, 18609 Ostseebad Binz OT Prora

The Natural Heritage Centre Rügen with treetop path and experience exhibition is open 364 days a year so that you can experience and get to know nature all year round.

Read more: "Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)"
© G. Marin-Ziegler

Small exhibition of the Nature Park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“

  • Wargentiner Straße, 17139 Basedow

The exhibition about the nature park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“ in Basedow can be found in the cafe “Alter Schafstall“, on the right side of the guest room. It displays land and people of the region.

Read more: "Small exhibition of the Nature Park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“"
© TMV/Gohlke

Naturparkausstellung zum Naturpark "Feldberger Seenlandschaft" im Haus des Gastes

  • Open today
  • Strelitzer Straße, 17258 Feldberger Seenlandschaft

Im südöstlichen Bereich der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte zwischen den Städten Fürstenberg, Woldegk und Neustrelitz befindet sich der 36.000 Hektar große Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft. Neben zahlreichen Seen und Kesselmooren sind hier mit etwas Glück See- und Fischadler oder Biber zu bewundern.

Read more: "Naturparkausstellung zum Naturpark "Feldberger Seenlandschaft" im Haus des Gastes"
© Nationalpark-Information Federow

National park visitor centre in Federow

  • Open today
  • Damerower Straße, 17192 Kargow OT Federow

The Müritz National Park: famous for its sea-eagles, ospreys and thousands of rabbits that rest here in the autumn and spring.

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Federow"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

“Sundische Wiese“ - National park information of Zingst

  • Open today
  • Sundische Wiese, 18374 Zingst

The exhibition “Lebensräume“ displays the history and present of the Ostzingst.

Read more: "“Sundische Wiese“ - National park information of Zingst"
© Katrin Köppen

National park house on Hiddensee

  • Open today
  • Norderende, 18565 Vitte/Hiddensee

"Veränderung" (change) is the title of the exhibition in the visitor information centre of the National Park “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft” and hardly anything could be more appropriate for the island of Hiddensee, which is constantly growing and changing due to the forces of nature.

Read more: "National park house on Hiddensee"
© Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort

  • Darßer Ort, 18375 Born am Darß

The NATUREUM as a natural history museum in the National Park of "Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft" is located on the peninsula Darß near Prerow directly at the accessible lighthouse Darßer Ort and is one of several locations of the German Oceanographic Museum. Here, the diversity, dynamics and need for protection of the unique Darß landscape are presented in particular.

Read more: "NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort"
© Thomas Oppermann


  • Open today
  • Am Bärenwald, 17209 Stuer

Brown bears – all of which came from improperly kept habitats – live in Western Europe’s largest bear sanctuary in the Mecklenburg Lakes. It is open all year round!

Read more: "BÄRENWALD Müritz"
© © Roeder

Schwerin Zoological Garden

  • Waldschulweg, 19061 Schwerin

A green oasis lies in the centre of Schwerin, which is characterised by a 3 ha large bird meadow as well as semi-natural animal enclosures, which are a second home to the 650 animals from 120 species. Schwerin zoo is one of the most beautiful in Germany.

Read more: "Schwerin Zoological Garden"
© TMV/Gohlke

Visitor centre “Flatterhus Kratzeburg“

  • Open today
  • Dorfstraße, 17237 Kratzeburg

The visitor information centre called “Kratzeburger Flatterhus“ houses an exhibition about the mysterious hunters of the night: the bats.

Read more: "Visitor centre “Flatterhus Kratzeburg“"
© TMV/Bodieschek

Visitor information centre of the National Park “Serrahn“

  • Open today
  • Serrah Waldstraße, 17237 Serrahn

In the little village named Serrahn, which is located in the depths of the woods, visitors have the opportunity to have a look at the exhibition “Buchenurwälder der Karpaten und Alte Buchenwälder Deutschlands“ concerning the UNESCO world natural heritage.

Read more: "Visitor information centre of the National Park “Serrahn“"
© Gesine Häfner / Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

UNESCO World Heritage Forum

  • Open today
  • Waldhalle, 18546 Sassnitz

The hiking base near the port town of Sassnitz on the island of Rügen is dedicated to the UNESCO World Natural Heritage idea. Nature lovers can learn about the phenomenon of ancient beech forests here or simply linger in the greenery, fortify themselves and unwind.

Read more: "UNESCO World Heritage Forum"
Touching, hearing and seeing, you can learn amazing things about ospreys, pikes and yellow fire beetles at the National Park Information Boek, © Nationalparkamt Müritz

Boek Manor House / National Park Information

  • Temporarily closed
  • Boeker Straße, 17248 Boek

Accessible exhibition "The fishermen of Boek

Read more: "Boek Manor House / National Park Information"
© J. Bengs

Visitor centre of the Nature Park “Insel Usedom“

  • Open today
  • Bäderstraße, 17406 Usedom

The island of Usedom is one of the areas with the most bird species in Germany. Overall, more than 280 species have been observed, 150 of them also brood here. 11 kinds of raptors regularly brood in the nature park, one of them is the sea-eagle. The visitor centre of the island of Usedom is located next to the information centre of the city of Usedom on the ground floor of the “Klaus-Bahlsen-Haus”. The visitor centre could only be built and furnished with the aid of the great commitment and the generous support of the correspondent foundation.

Read more: "Visitor centre of the Nature Park “Insel Usedom“"
© K. Bärwald

National park visitor centre in Barhöft

  • Haus Norden Am Barhöfter Kliff, 18445 Barhöft

Visitor centre of the National Park “Vorpommernsche Boddenlandschaft”

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Barhöft"
© TMV/Gohlke

Nationalpark-Information Schwarzenhof

  • Open today
  • Schwarzenhof, 17192 Kargow

Das kleine Gutsdorf Schwarzenhof verfügt über eine Nationalpark-Information mit einer Fotoausstellung.

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