Water, forests and world heritage

Discover wonderful nature and retreats in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Breathtaking view of the Baltic Sea from the chalk coast in Jasmund National Park on the island of Rügen, © TMV/Roth

Water, forests and world heritage

Discover wonderful nature and retreats in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Pristine forests, wildly romantic stretches of coastline, tranquil lakes and a species-rich native flora and fauna - in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, nature still shows its original side.Beech forests that have survived the centuries, strictly protected nature reserves and an untouched Bodden landscape are home to numerous animal species.

When vacationing in the local nature, travelers can relax undisturbed on the shores of a lake and enjoy the tranquility, explore the habitat of native fish and birds on a lagoon hike, or recharge their batteries while forest bathing.If you prefer to actively explore the woods and meadows, set out on one of the kilometers of cycling and hiking trails through the picturesque landscape between the Baltic Sea, Mecklenburg Switzerland and the Lake District. Here is a selection of nature excursion destinations in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern that should not be missed.

Nature Experience Tips at a Glance

The Experience Centres show how Nature ticks

Cyclists at the tourist information office, © Stadt Neustrelitz

National park visitor centre in Neustrelitz

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Neustrelitz"
© D. Foitlänger, Biosphärenreservatsamt Schaalsee-Elbe

Information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Read more: "Information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Flusslandschaft Elbe Mecklenburg-Vorpommern"
© Ulrich Unger

Outdoor exhibition “EinFlussReich“

Read more: "Outdoor exhibition “EinFlussReich“"
© Nationalparkamt Müritz

National park visitor centre in Blankenförde

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Blankenförde"
The PAHLHUUS is the information center of the Biosphere Reserve Schaalsee, © PAHLHUUS/Dornblut

“PAHLHUUS“ – Visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Schaalsee“

Read more: "“PAHLHUUS“ – Visitor centre of the UNESCO biosphere reserve “Schaalsee“"
© Felix Gänsicke

MÜRITZEUM - The NatureExperienceCenter in Waren (Müritz)

Read more: "MÜRITZEUM - The NatureExperienceCenter in Waren (Müritz)"
© NZK | T. Allrich

National Park Centre Königsstuhl

Read more: "National Park Centre Königsstuhl"
© Bildarchiv Biosphärenreservatsamt-Südost-Rügen

The “Granitzhaus“ and exhibition

Read more: "The “Granitzhaus“ and exhibition"
© TMV/Gohlke

Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center

Read more: "Karower Meiler Culture and Information Center"
Exterior view of the OZEANEUM from the harbour side, © Foto: Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum (Motiv aus der Ausstellung „Riesen der Meere“: Martin Harms/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

OZEANEUM Stralsund

Read more: "OZEANEUM Stralsund"
© Stephan Macke

National Park exhibition “Insel Schatz Ummanz“ in Waase

Read more: "National Park exhibition “Insel Schatz Ummanz“ in Waase"
© Zoo Rostock/Braun

Rostock Zoo

Read more: "Rostock Zoo"
© Kur- und Tourist GmbH Darß

Nature park and guest centre “Darßer Arche“

Read more: "Nature park and guest centre “Darßer Arche“"
© J. Lippke

Visitor information centre of the Nature Park “Sternberger Seenland“

Read more: "Visitor information centre of the Nature Park “Sternberger Seenland“"
Enjoy the panoramic view at a height of 40 meters from the "Adlerhorst" observation tower, © Erlebnis Akademie AG / Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen

Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)

Read more: "Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)"
© G. Marin-Ziegler

Small exhibition of the Nature Park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“

Read more: "Small exhibition of the Nature Park “Mecklenburgische Schweiz und Kummerower See“"
© TMV/Gohlke

Naturparkausstellung zum Naturpark "Feldberger Seenlandschaft" im Haus des Gastes

Read more: "Naturparkausstellung zum Naturpark "Feldberger Seenlandschaft" im Haus des Gastes"
© Nationalpark-Information Federow

National park visitor centre in Federow

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Federow"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

“Sundische Wiese“ - National park information of Zingst

Read more: "“Sundische Wiese“ - National park information of Zingst"
© Katrin Köppen

National park house on Hiddensee

Read more: "National park house on Hiddensee"
© Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort

Read more: "NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort"
© Thomas Oppermann


Read more: "BÄRENWALD Müritz"
© © Roeder

Schwerin Zoological Garden

Read more: "Schwerin Zoological Garden"
© TMV/Gohlke

Visitor centre “Flatterhus Kratzeburg“

Read more: "Visitor centre “Flatterhus Kratzeburg“"
© TMV/Bodieschek

Visitor information centre of the National Park “Serrahn“

Read more: "Visitor information centre of the National Park “Serrahn“"
© Gesine Häfner / Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

UNESCO World Heritage Forum

Read more: "UNESCO World Heritage Forum"
Touching, hearing and seeing, you can learn amazing things about ospreys, pikes and yellow fire beetles at the National Park Information Boek, © Nationalparkamt Müritz

Boek Manor House / National Park Information

Read more: "Boek Manor House / National Park Information"
© J. Bengs

Visitor centre of the Nature Park “Insel Usedom“

Read more: "Visitor centre of the Nature Park “Insel Usedom“"
© K. Bärwald

National park visitor centre in Barhöft

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Barhöft"
© TMV/Gohlke

Nationalpark-Information Schwarzenhof

Read more: "Nationalpark-Information Schwarzenhof"
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Pretty wild

Flora and fauna in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Unspoiled nature is becoming increasingly rare. There are hardly any opportunities left to experience landscapes in their original form. In the country's national parks, nature is therefore allowed to unfold without human influence. Not only plants and animals find their own little paradise here in remote places. Man's exemplary interaction with nature is also reflected in the nature parks and biosphere reserves. It is not without reason that the picturesque UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Ancient Beech Forests and the Schaalsee, Elbe-MV River Landscape and Südost-Rügen biosphere reserves are in the international spotlight as nature reserves, making them popular destinations for nature trips.

In special nature experience centers, visitors can uncover the secrets and mysteries of nature. Interactive exhibitions to see, hear and touch invite you on a journey of discovery. Out and about in nature, „jungle explorers“ with a bit of luck, will encounter rare species and experience unique natural spectacles, such as the crane migration in spring and fall.

The unadulterated beauty of nature offers a fabulous sight and unique photo opportunities. Here you can experience relaxation in an incomparable way. Discovery offers lure visitors to the natural landscapes and their visitor centers between the Baltic Sea and the Lake District.

The Skywalk in the Königsstuhl National Park Centre with a view over the chalk cliffs and the Baltic Sea on the island of Rügen.

Experience Nature

Read more: "Experience Nature"
On the new treetop path Ivenacker Eichen families and nature lovers get on the track of the secrets of the trees, © TMV/Tiemann

Natural landscapes

Read more: "Natural landscapes"
Cathedral with a sea view: Stubnitz is the name of the large beech forest in Jasmund National Park, directly on the Baltic coast of Rügen, © TMV/Tiemann

UNESCO World Natural Heritage German Beech Forests

Read more: "UNESCO World Natural Heritage German Beech Forests"
In overwhelming numbers cranes populate field and sky over Fischland-Darß-Zingst, © TMV/Growe-Lodzig

Guest Performance of the Cranes

Read more: "Guest Performance of the Cranes"
The majestic sea eagle in portrait, © TMV/Müller

Eye to Eye with the Eagle

Read more: "Eye to Eye with the Eagle"

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Everything in View - Animal Observation Sites

A red deer in the clearing, a beaver building a dam, the regal eagle or the majestic cranes. Armed with binoculars, camera and animal identification book, nature lovers wait with calm and perseverance at animal observation sites for the first contact.

Next to spring, autumn is the best season to observe wildlife. Around Darßer Ort the red deer feels so comfortable that it can also be seen during the day. During its rutting season in September and October, the distinctive roaring can be heard for miles. There is also a lot going on in the sky. The beginning of October is the peak of the crane migration in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, then tens of thousands of the majestic birds rest here - the best time for a nature vacation.

Get to know the Animal and Plant World on Nature Tours

Rangers and foresters guide visitors to remote corners of the different landscapes. Guided tours are the best way to experience the fascinating nature in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in all its facets up close. The guides share their knowledge, give tips on interpreting animal calls or identifying plant species, and know which places are particularly suitable for nature observation. Secrets about flora and fauna are revealed that would certainly go unnoticed without a guide: whether hidden places where wild bees live, summer meadows as a nursery for the offspring of birds or how red kites can soar with the thermals.

Here it gets wild - Places for animal Observation at a Glance

Where Eagles, Cranes and Co. can be observed undisturbed

© TMV/Fischer

CRANORAMA at Lake Günz

Read more: "CRANORAMA at Lake Günz"
© Gabriele Skorupski

Observation tower "Elwkieker" Boizenburg

Read more: "Observation tower "Elwkieker" Boizenburg"
© C. Drühl/Tourist-Info

Observation Tower Burgwallinsel Teterow

Read more: "Observation Tower Burgwallinsel Teterow"
© Landesforst MV

Wisentreservat Damerower Werder

Read more: "Wisentreservat Damerower Werder"
© Tourismuszentrale Rügen

Bird watching platform Tankow / Ummanz

Read more: "Bird watching platform Tankow / Ummanz"
© Kur- und Tourismus GmbH

Bird watching point Pramort

Read more: "Bird watching point Pramort"
© Kur- und Tourismus GmbH

Birdwatching Point Pramort Hohe Düne

Read more: "Birdwatching Point Pramort Hohe Düne"
© TMV/Foto@Andreas-Duerst.de

Viewpoint Dütschower Bridge

Read more: "Viewpoint Dütschower Bridge"
Enjoy the panoramic view at a height of 40 meters from the "Adlerhorst" observation tower, © Erlebnis Akademie AG / Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen

Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)

Read more: "Natural Heritage Centre Rügen (Naturerbe Zentrum Rügen)"
© TMV/Tiemann

Jörnberg lookout tower

Read more: "Jörnberg lookout tower"
© Nationalpark-Information Federow

National park visitor centre in Federow

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Federow"
© Anke Neumeister/Deutsches Meeresmuseum

NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort

Read more: "NATUREUM and lighthouse Darßer Ort"
© K. Bärwald

National park visitor centre in Barhöft

Read more: "National park visitor centre in Barhöft"
© TMVoutdoor-visions.com

Käflingsberg Tower

Read more: "Käflingsberg Tower"
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Active in Nature on the Road

Coastal forests with their wind shoals typical of the Baltic Sea, small lagoons in the Bodden waters, the extensive lake landscape or the ancient beech forests protected by UNESCO - they all provide a home for numerous protected animal and plant species. If you want to combine an active vacation with an excursion into nature, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is the place to be. When hiking or biking, the path leads past dreamy coastal and lake landscapes or through dense forests - it is not uncommon for hawks, eagles and co. to show themselves to attentive hikers and hikers.

Water lovers, on the other hand, can discover the habitat of beavers and kingfishers on a raft or canoe trip, while special boat excursions in autumn take in the resting places of cranes.

Events and Tours

Experience Nature from new Perspectives

© Bjarne Wiesenberg

The mysterious underwater world - from plants to fish

Read more: "The mysterious underwater world - from plants to fish"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike around Thiessow

Read more: "Ranger hike around Thiessow"
© Lucia Zust

Bodden in view

Read more: "Bodden in view"
© Kurverwaltung Feldberger Seenlandschaft

"In the realm of wildflowers and butterflies"

Read more: ""In the realm of wildflowers and butterflies""
© Tandera Theater, Testorf

Theater in the PAHLHUUS

Read more: "Theater in the PAHLHUUS"

Off to the pecks of the forest - family tour

Read more: "Off to the pecks of the forest - family tour"
© NZK-Lehmann

Outdoor research for young and old

Read more: "Outdoor research for young and old"
© Bruno Dittrich, EUROPARC Deutschland

In the realm of ospreys

Read more: "In the realm of ospreys"
© Roman Vitt

In the realm of birds of prey - family tour

Read more: "In the realm of birds of prey - family tour"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

WeitSicht - Green forest on white chalk

Read more: "WeitSicht - Green forest on white chalk"
© NPA Vorpommern

On the trail of nature - family tour

Read more: "On the trail of nature - family tour"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

For our younger guests - discover the forest and beach with the ranger

Read more: "For our younger guests - discover the forest and beach with the ranger"

Expedition with the raft - family tour

Read more: "Expedition with the raft - family tour"
© NPA Vorpommern

The dune heath

Read more: "The dune heath"
© K. Baerwald

Wild forest by the sea

Read more: "Wild forest by the sea"
© B. Lüthi Herrmann

Hunters of the night - family tour

Read more: "Hunters of the night - family tour"
© NZK-Lehmann

Romantic short tour

Read more: "Romantic short tour"
© Roman Vitt

In the realm of birds of prey - family tour

Read more: "In the realm of birds of prey - family tour"
© NZK-Lehmann

Romantic days at the Königsstuhl

Read more: "Romantic days at the Königsstuhl"

Multifaceted insects - diversity | endangerment | protection

Read more: "Multifaceted insects - diversity | endangerment | protection"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike in the Granitz

Read more: "Ranger hike in the Granitz"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike through the Seedorf hills

Read more: "Ranger hike through the Seedorf hills"
© AndeasDuerst/Werk3

Diving operation in the deep pool

Read more: "Diving operation in the deep pool"
© Lea-Marie Kühn

With six legs through nature - the exciting world of insects

Read more: "With six legs through nature - the exciting world of insects"

Visit the OZEANEUM on the State Zoo Day

Read more: "Visit the OZEANEUM on the State Zoo Day"
© Jürgen Reich

The Old Bessin

Read more: "The Old Bessin"
© NZK-Lehmann

Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows"

Read more: "Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows""
© Förderkreis Festung Dömitz e.V.

Summer night picnic at Dömitz Fortress

Read more: "Summer night picnic at Dömitz Fortress"

Explorer day on the east bank of the Müritz

Read more: "Explorer day on the east bank of the Müritz"
© Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft M. Wyczinski

From forest paradise garden to primeval beech forest

Read more: "From forest paradise garden to primeval beech forest"
© Japangarten "Keissu-En"

Guided tour of the Japanese Garden in Feldberg

Read more: "Guided tour of the Japanese Garden in Feldberg"

Visit NATUREUM on State Zoo Day

Read more: "Visit NATUREUM on State Zoo Day"
© Nationalparkamt Vorpommern

Experience nature - discover history

Read more: "Experience nature - discover history"

Visit the MEERESMUSEUM on State Zoo Day

Read more: "Visit the MEERESMUSEUM on State Zoo Day"
© NZK-Lehmann

Painting course with Rügen artist Kathrin Thesenvitz

Read more: "Painting course with Rügen artist Kathrin Thesenvitz"
© NZK-Lehmann

Summer rally "Discovery stations"

Read more: "Summer rally "Discovery stations""
© U. Meßner

Learning from the forest - tour with the research manager of the Müritz National Park

Read more: "Learning from the forest - tour with the research manager of the Müritz National Park"
© BjarneWiesenberg

Who eats what: herbivores - carnivores - omnivores

Read more: "Who eats what: herbivores - carnivores - omnivores"
© T. Thiede

"Beaver, otter & co"

Read more: ""Beaver, otter & co""
© NZK-Lehmann

WWF Adventure Tour "Wild Rügen - UNESCO World Heritage, Chalk & Sea"

Read more: "WWF Adventure Tour "Wild Rügen - UNESCO World Heritage, Chalk & Sea""
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike through the Goor nature reserve

Read more: "Ranger hike through the Goor nature reserve"
© J. Bassek

High sky, wide land

Read more: "High sky, wide land"
© Jürgen Reich/ NPA

Beach tour

Read more: "Beach tour"
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

From tree to forest glass - a bike tour

Read more: "From tree to forest glass - a bike tour"
© Lilli Reisig / NLP

Forest in transition

Read more: "Forest in transition"
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

Search for clues for young and old - family tour

Read more: "Search for clues for young and old - family tour"

Family workshop: "Small marine animals up close"

Read more: "Family workshop: "Small marine animals up close""
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike in the Zicker mountains

Read more: "Ranger hike in the Zicker mountains"
© NZK-Lehmann

Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows"

Read more: "Family summer hike "In the realm of shadows""

Gold leaf in the UNESCO World Heritage Site

Read more: "Gold leaf in the UNESCO World Heritage Site"
© Oliver Eckelt

State Zoo Day at the Müritzeum

Read more: "State Zoo Day at the Müritzeum"
© NZK-Christian Thiele

Family Forest Festival at the UNESCO World Heritage Forum

Read more: "Family Forest Festival at the UNESCO World Heritage Forum"

Family workshop: "Beach finds"

Read more: "Family workshop: "Beach finds""
© Lea-Marie Kühn

Time travel to the Stone Age

Read more: "Time travel to the Stone Age"
© Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft A. Griesau

"Ghosts of the night"

Read more: ""Ghosts of the night""
© Volker Lohrmann

Time capsule amber

Read more: "Time capsule amber"

Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the evening

Read more: "Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the evening"
© Ulrich Meßner, Nationalparkamt Müritz

The lion, the wolf and the wild people in the forest - family tour

Read more: "The lion, the wolf and the wild people in the forest - family tour"
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

Hike into the new year

Read more: "Hike into the new year"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

World Ranger Day

Read more: "World Ranger Day"
© Thomas Oppermann

Children's day in the BÄRENWALD Müritz

Read more: "Children's day in the BÄRENWALD Müritz"
© Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen

Ranger hike around the Göhrener Nordperd

Read more: "Ranger hike around the Göhrener Nordperd"
© Nationalparkamt Müritz

17th Kratzeburg Bat Night - Family Event

Read more: "17th Kratzeburg Bat Night - Family Event"
© Zoo Schwerin

Evening safari through the zoo

Read more: "Evening safari through the zoo"
© K. Bärwald

National Park guided tour Barhöft

Read more: "National Park guided tour Barhöft"

Special exhibition "From the Königsweg to the Skywalk - a building history"

Read more: "Special exhibition "From the Königsweg to the Skywalk - a building history""
© Foto: Nationalparkamt Müritz

World Ranger Day 2023 - Family Event

Read more: "World Ranger Day 2023 - Family Event"
© NZK-Lehmann

Summer rally "Discovery stations"

Read more: "Summer rally "Discovery stations""

Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the morning

Read more: "Deer concert on the eastern shore of the Müritz in the morning"
© Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

Krax's diary - "New Neighbors" adventure rally

Read more: "Krax's diary - "New Neighbors" adventure rally"
© NZK-Lehmann

"Turn old into new" - upcycling workshop

Read more: ""Turn old into new" - upcycling workshop"
© NPA Müritz

Serrahn history

Read more: "Serrahn history"
© Kurverwaltung Feldberger Seenlandschaft

A good start to the day with Kneipp

Read more: "A good start to the day with Kneipp"
© NZK-Lehmann

UNESCO World Heritage exhibition "Ancient Beech Forests"

Read more: "UNESCO World Heritage exhibition "Ancient Beech Forests""
© Müritzeum

A day in the life of a bee

Read more: "A day in the life of a bee"
© Naturpark Feldberger Seenlandschaft M. Wyczinski

Orchard - Forgotten diversity in our landscape

Read more: "Orchard - Forgotten diversity in our landscape"
© Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

Family quiz: 1, 2 or 3 - in the World Heritage Site!

Read more: "Family quiz: 1, 2 or 3 - in the World Heritage Site!"
© Nationalpark-Zentrum KÖNIGSSTUHL

Short tour for young and old

Read more: "Short tour for young and old"
© K. Haase

Dune sand and the glitter of the sea

Read more: "Dune sand and the glitter of the sea"
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Mecklenburg-Vorpommern offers the perfect idyll for a fishing vacation between the Baltic Sea and the lake district, © TMV/Läufer


Read more: "Fishing"

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Accommodation in Nature

If you want to give a special expression to your love of nature, it's best to plan your overnight stay under the stars. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's campsites offer a successful mix of comfort and nature experience for young and old. An unusual alternative, on the other hand, is to spend the night in a sleeping barrel, for example on the Baltic Sea coast or on a nature vacation in the Mecklenburg Lake District. With room for up to two people, overnight guests sleep directly near the water.

Nature lovers can spend the night not on the water, but on a raft or houseboat. Who spends a night on the swinging water vehicle, feels immensely close to the fish living there. At many a body of water, guests can swing their fishing rods undisturbed from their floating accommodation. For guests who are drawn not only to the forest, but high up to the trees, tree houses on Rügen provide a dreamlike backdrop for their next nature vacation.

Nature Accommodations

To the map

405 Ergebnisse

© Gutshaus Liepen, Stefan Wollert

Gutshof Liepen - Hotel & Restaurant Am Peenetal

  • Dorfstraße, 17391 Liepen

Relaxing in the Peenetal - Located in the middle of the homes of beavers, otters and cranes and co, the manor Complex warmly welcomes you. The pastorally situated hotel & restaurant “Am Peenetal” spoils you with a large Bathing and Wellness area, comfortable double rooms and single rooms and a lot of leisure activities and excursion tips.

Read more: "Gutshof Liepen - Hotel & Restaurant Am Peenetal"
© Naturhafen-Krummin GmbH

Natural Harbor Krummin

  • Freely accessible at any time
  • Dorfstraße, 17440 Krummin

The natural harbor lies north of the island Usedom.

Read more: "Natural Harbor Krummin"
Camping directly on the WATER, © Saskia Spethmann

Nature camping SAAL

  • Open today
  • Am Bodden, 18317 Saal

Natural campsite right on the water with surf school. Free choice of pitches. 24h entrance. 20Є/night.

Read more: "Nature camping SAAL"
© Natur Camping Usedom

Nature Camping Usedom

  • Zeltplatzstraße, 17440 Lütow

Summer, sun, beach and more - that is the Island of Usedom! Away from the hustle and bustle of the big Baltic resorts, you can unwind here and switch off from everyday life. Peace, nature and time - that is the luxury you are offered.

Read more: "Nature Camping Usedom"
© Naturdorf Eickhof/ Abeln

Nature village Eickhof

  • Open today
  • Dorfstraße, 18249 Eickhof

The nature village Eickhof is an idyllic spot in the heart of Mecklenburg, located directly on the Warnow River. On almost 6 hectares of nature village there is a lot of space and in the outdoor area with volleyball field, playground, campfire sites and wood oven also a lot to discover. You can even find a trail riding station for riders with their own horse here.

Read more: "Nature village Eickhof"
© im-jaich

in the yesich nature oasis Gustow

  • Am Yachthafen Drigge, 18574 Gustow

Marina and shore houses at Strelasund

Read more: "in the yesich nature oasis Gustow"
Klax Nature and Environment Camp, © Klax

Klax Nature and Environment Camp

  • Open today
  • Feldweg, 17194 Klocksin

Between Lake Malchin, Lake Kölpin and the Müritz, in the midst of beautiful old Mecklenburg villages stretches a wide, breathtaking landscape with lots of water, forest and meadows - the ideal place for unforgettable nature experiences!

Read more: "Klax Nature and Environment Camp"
© H. Terpsta

Nature and recreation farm Recknitzberg

  • Recknitzberg, 18195 Grammow

On the approx. 7 ha large area directly at the Recknitz, which is surrounded by meadows and forests, you will find many possibilities to do sports, to enjoy nature and to relax. Your breakfast egg comes from our own chickens and in our own stone oven you can bake bread just the way you like it.

Read more: "Nature and recreation farm Recknitzberg"
Nature camp "Zu den zwei Birken", © Peter Leupold

Nature camp "To the two birches

  • Kranichblick, 18442 Duvendiek

Sympathetic small vacation resort and campsite in the middle of greenery, in quiet and idyllic surroundings. The nature camp is located about 12 km from the gates of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund and 15 km from Barth.

Read more: "Nature camp "To the two birches"
© FilmSchnittFotographie

Seeweide Nature Camping Penzlin

  • Halbinsel Werder, 17217 Penzlin OT Werder

In the middle of the beautiful Mecklenburg Lake District lies our small family-run campsite. Start your camping vacation on spacious parcelled pitches (100 - 150 m²) or on the large tent meadow - far away from the crowded tourism and relax in this rural charming oasis of nature.

Read more: "Seeweide Nature Camping Penzlin"
© Ferienhaus Naturnah/ Noll

Vacation home close to nature

  • Am Scharbowsee, 19406 Mustin

Our vacation home is beautifully located in the Sternberger Seenlandschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It is renovated, noble and stylish furnished and equipped for 2 persons. Our welcome for you: a cup of coffee (coffee machine) + 1 bottle of regional water.

Read more: "Vacation home close to nature"
© Hans Blossey / Müritzparadies GmbH

Müritzparadies nature holiday park on the lake

  • Am Müritzufer, 17248 Boeker Mühle

Vacation park on the Müritz with vacation homes and apartments for 2-8 persons. Best location directly on the lake and in the immediate vicinity of the Müritz National Park.

Read more: "Müritzparadies nature holiday park on the lake"
© Friederike Hegner

Nature and vacation park at the Altdorf lake

  • Am Altdorfer See, 18292 Krakow am See

The vacation homes offer those seeking peace and quiet, nature and sports lovers up to 140 m² of sophisticated comfort, high-quality furnishings and modern architecture.

Read more: "Nature and vacation park at the Altdorf lake"
© Tobias Glaser

Nature and vacation park Klein Labenz

  • Waldring, 19417 Warin

Pure relaxation, only a few meters to the lake in a picturesque idyll. The nature and vacation park "Am Groß Labenzer See" welcomes you from now on quite warmly with bungalows, caravan sites and a wide range of leisure activities.

Read more: "Nature and vacation park Klein Labenz"
© Henrike Track

Pleasure vacation nature and beach campsite

  • Am Heidenfriedhof, 17194 Jabel

The idyllic nature and beach campsite is located on the shore of the Jabelsche See, directly on the canal to the Kölpinsee in the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heath Nature Park. On an area of about 5 hectares bwird a variety of pitches offered.

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© Gutshaus Liepen, Stefan Wollert

Gutshof Liepen - Hotel & Restaurant Am Peenetal

  • Dorfstraße, 17391 Liepen

Relaxing in the Peenetal - Located in the middle of the homes of beavers, otters and cranes and co, the manor Complex warmly welcomes you. The pastorally situated hotel & restaurant “Am Peenetal” spoils you with a large Bathing and Wellness area, comfortable double rooms and single rooms and a lot of leisure activities and excursion tips.

Read more: "Gutshof Liepen - Hotel & Restaurant Am Peenetal"
© Naturhafen-Krummin GmbH

Natural Harbor Krummin

  • Freely accessible at any time
  • Dorfstraße, 17440 Krummin

The natural harbor lies north of the island Usedom.

Read more: "Natural Harbor Krummin"
Camping directly on the WATER, © Saskia Spethmann

Nature camping SAAL

  • Open today
  • Am Bodden, 18317 Saal

Natural campsite right on the water with surf school. Free choice of pitches. 24h entrance. 20Є/night.

Read more: "Nature camping SAAL"
© Natur Camping Usedom

Nature Camping Usedom

  • Zeltplatzstraße, 17440 Lütow

Summer, sun, beach and more - that is the Island of Usedom! Away from the hustle and bustle of the big Baltic resorts, you can unwind here and switch off from everyday life. Peace, nature and time - that is the luxury you are offered.

Read more: "Nature Camping Usedom"
© Naturdorf Eickhof/ Abeln

Nature village Eickhof

  • Open today
  • Dorfstraße, 18249 Eickhof

The nature village Eickhof is an idyllic spot in the heart of Mecklenburg, located directly on the Warnow River. On almost 6 hectares of nature village there is a lot of space and in the outdoor area with volleyball field, playground, campfire sites and wood oven also a lot to discover. You can even find a trail riding station for riders with their own horse here.

Read more: "Nature village Eickhof"
© im-jaich

in the yesich nature oasis Gustow

  • Am Yachthafen Drigge, 18574 Gustow

Marina and shore houses at Strelasund

Read more: "in the yesich nature oasis Gustow"
Klax Nature and Environment Camp, © Klax

Klax Nature and Environment Camp

  • Open today
  • Feldweg, 17194 Klocksin

Between Lake Malchin, Lake Kölpin and the Müritz, in the midst of beautiful old Mecklenburg villages stretches a wide, breathtaking landscape with lots of water, forest and meadows - the ideal place for unforgettable nature experiences!

Read more: "Klax Nature and Environment Camp"
© H. Terpsta

Nature and recreation farm Recknitzberg

  • Recknitzberg, 18195 Grammow

On the approx. 7 ha large area directly at the Recknitz, which is surrounded by meadows and forests, you will find many possibilities to do sports, to enjoy nature and to relax. Your breakfast egg comes from our own chickens and in our own stone oven you can bake bread just the way you like it.

Read more: "Nature and recreation farm Recknitzberg"
Nature camp "Zu den zwei Birken", © Peter Leupold

Nature camp "To the two birches

  • Kranichblick, 18442 Duvendiek

Sympathetic small vacation resort and campsite in the middle of greenery, in quiet and idyllic surroundings. The nature camp is located about 12 km from the gates of the Hanseatic City of Stralsund and 15 km from Barth.

Read more: "Nature camp "To the two birches"
© FilmSchnittFotographie

Seeweide Nature Camping Penzlin

  • Halbinsel Werder, 17217 Penzlin OT Werder

In the middle of the beautiful Mecklenburg Lake District lies our small family-run campsite. Start your camping vacation on spacious parcelled pitches (100 - 150 m²) or on the large tent meadow - far away from the crowded tourism and relax in this rural charming oasis of nature.

Read more: "Seeweide Nature Camping Penzlin"
© Ferienhaus Naturnah/ Noll

Vacation home close to nature

  • Am Scharbowsee, 19406 Mustin

Our vacation home is beautifully located in the Sternberger Seenlandschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It is renovated, noble and stylish furnished and equipped for 2 persons. Our welcome for you: a cup of coffee (coffee machine) + 1 bottle of regional water.

Read more: "Vacation home close to nature"
© Hans Blossey / Müritzparadies GmbH

Müritzparadies nature holiday park on the lake

  • Am Müritzufer, 17248 Boeker Mühle

Vacation park on the Müritz with vacation homes and apartments for 2-8 persons. Best location directly on the lake and in the immediate vicinity of the Müritz National Park.

Read more: "Müritzparadies nature holiday park on the lake"
© Friederike Hegner

Nature and vacation park at the Altdorf lake

  • Am Altdorfer See, 18292 Krakow am See

The vacation homes offer those seeking peace and quiet, nature and sports lovers up to 140 m² of sophisticated comfort, high-quality furnishings and modern architecture.

Read more: "Nature and vacation park at the Altdorf lake"
© Tobias Glaser

Nature and vacation park Klein Labenz

  • Waldring, 19417 Warin

Pure relaxation, only a few meters to the lake in a picturesque idyll. The nature and vacation park "Am Groß Labenzer See" welcomes you from now on quite warmly with bungalows, caravan sites and a wide range of leisure activities.

Read more: "Nature and vacation park Klein Labenz"
© Henrike Track

Pleasure vacation nature and beach campsite

  • Am Heidenfriedhof, 17194 Jabel

The idyllic nature and beach campsite is located on the shore of the Jabelsche See, directly on the canal to the Kölpinsee in the Nossentiner/Schwinzer Heath Nature Park. On an area of about 5 hectares bwird a variety of pitches offered.

Read more: "Pleasure vacation nature and beach campsite"
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