In this course you will learn how to prepare delicious pizzas in the pizza oven.
Together we will make the pizza dough. We will show you how to roll out the dough to achieve the perfect pizza size and thickness. We will prepare the different toppings together. You will learn how to prepare different sauces and which cheeses are best for pizza. We will bake new types of pizza that you are unlikely to see on the table. Of course, we will also look at how to bake the pizza perfectly in the oven. We'll explain how long to heat for, how to recognize the right temperature and how to place the pizza to get an even and crispy crust. Then there's the big pizza meal in the garden, where everyone can try every variety and, of course, eat their fill. It will be a fun and very tasty experience for you and your group where you can learn new skills.
incl. all ingredients for food, drinks and recipes
Dates: Every Friday from May to October (dates for individual groups on request)
Start: 16:30
Duration: approx. 3.5 hours
Meeting point: Kräuterhof Liebstöckel
Cost: 45 € p.p.
Registration: up to 1 day in advance on 0162 699 00 28
Minimum number of participants: 12 persons
Maximum number of participants: 15 people
Workshop leader: Britta Daedelow-Seydl, certified nature and landscape guide