Trebeltal circular route

Far away from everyday life

Route logo Trebeltal circular route, © TMV


120 km



The old wooden bascule bridge in Nehringen offers a great view of the river Trebel, © TMV/Fitzke WMSE GmbH


Exterior view of the church, © Sabrina Wittkopf-Schade

Church of St. Andrew Nehringen

  • 18513 Nehringen

The church of St. Andrew in Nehringen is located between Tribsees and Demmin.

Read more: "Church of St. Andrew Nehringen"
© Wobau Demmin GmbH

Hanseatic Quarter Demmin

  • Schiffsanleger, 17109 Demmin

Get an insight into the world of the Middle Ages.

Read more: "Hanseatic Quarter Demmin"
View of the stone gate, © Sabrina Wittkopf-Schade

Stone gate Tribsees

  • 18465 Tribsees

The stone gate is one of two old gates of the former fortification of Tribsees.

Read more: "Stone gate Tribsees"
Trebel Valley, © Sabrina Wittkopf-Schade

Nature trail Tribsees

  • L 192, 18465 Tribsees

The Tribsses nature trail leads through the lowland moorland of the Trebel Valley. Eight information boards point out the animals and plants living in the area.

Read more: "Nature trail Tribsees"
Luisentor with powder tower, © Hansestadt Demmin


  • Markt, 17109 Demmin

The Luisentor is the only preserved town gate in Demmin.

Read more: "Luisentor"
Remains of a Gothic figurative painting from the end of the 14th century, © Amt Recknitz-Trebeltal

Church Kirch Baggendorf

  • Kirch Baggendorf, 18513 Kirch Baggendorf

The church in Kirch-Baggendorf was built in the middle of the 13th century.

Read more: "Church Kirch Baggendorf"
Secured castle ruins "House Demmin, © Hansestadt Demmin

House Demmin

  • Markt, 17109 Demmin

"Demmin House" refers to the ruins of a Pomeranian castle and a neighboring manor house, located at the confluence of the Peene and Tollense rivers, on a completely isolated but natural elevation.

Read more: "House Demmin"
Wooden bascule bridge, © Sabrina Wittkopf-Schade

Wooden drawbridge Nehringen

  • 18513 Nehringen

The wooden drawbridge in Nehringen crosses the Trebel River and connects Mecklenburg and Vorpommern.

Read more: "Wooden drawbridge Nehringen"
Church, © TV Mecklenburgische Schweiz

Parish Church of St. Mary Gnoien

  • Am Kirchenplatz, 17179 Gnoien

The town was founded in the 13th century as the northernmost border town of Mecklenburg. The first written record dates back to 1257. Under Mecklenburg rule, the small town was the seat of a domanial office and thus had a hinterland function, also for the Darguner and Neukalen area. The trade route "Via regia" led through the town and had a favorable effect on the development of trade and crafts.

Read more: "Parish Church of St. Mary Gnoien"
Exterior view, © Sabrina Wittkopf-Schade

Nehringen manor house

  • Nehringen, 18513 Grammendorf

The Nehringen manor house was built in 1714. The Nehringen fishing tower is located in the manor park.

Read more: "Nehringen manor house"
Church St. Mary Gnoien, © Stadt Gnoien

City information Gnoien

  • Markt, 17179 Gnoien

The town hall is the seat of the city administration and the tourist information.

Read more: "City information Gnoien"
© Demminer Mühle

Hotel Demminer Mill

  • An der Mühle, 17109 Demmin

Hotel Demminer Mill

Read more: "Hotel Demminer Mill"

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The break from everyday life begins in the Hanseatic town of Demmin. At a due distance from reed belts and moors, surrounded by numerous birds, dragonflies and butterflies, the first stage leads to Tribsees. A breath of the Middle Ages wafts through the winding alleys of the small town. From the Trebel Bridge, a beautiful panorama extends to the winding river, the massive church tower and the wildly romantic border valley moor, where blue frogs can be observed in spring.

On the way to Grimmen, with its picture-perfect town hall, the park of the Quitzin hunting lodge is recommended for a stately picnic.

The tour continues through the picturesque Kirch-Baggendorf with its original church tower to one of the most romantic places in the Trebel Valley. The historic wooden bridge of Nehringen once marked the border between Mecklenburg and Vorpommern. When the sunlight reflects on the water surface of the Trebel, the viewer is offered unforgettable moments. Behind Toitz, the rustic Woldeforst provides cooling shade - a fairy tale kingdom for elves and forest spirits - before the destination is reached.

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Public transport:

Railroad connection: Demmin, Grimmen

More information

More info / links:

  • Tour tips: Hanseatic town of Demmin located in the Dreistromland,Hanseatic Quarter, Trebel as a historical border river between Meckelnburg and Vorpommern, village churches and manor houses along the route.

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