Pony trek through the Griese area

On the road with man and mouse by carriage and pony


18 km

Sometimes on the wagon, sometimes in the saddle- joint trail riding with non-riders and riders, © Storeck

The loved one can ride while you sit comfortably - even with the whole family - in the Ponytrekk, an all-terrain pony carriage, and shout wise advice to the loved one: "Hand lower, heel low, don't be so stiff and why don't you ever smile on the horse?". And if you do get the urge along the way, or you see how safe and well-behaved the horses are, then saddle up. Experience nature on horseback and become one with the faithful four-legged friend beneath you.

Change trees

Of course, you can also start riding first and skilfully conceal any weaknesses in your own condition that occur along the way by changing riders as you suggest. This pony trek tour is made possible by two nature-loving women who are always concerned about your health and physical well-being.

The pony trek tour on 18 km and therefore at a comfortable pace of about 5-6 hours duration starts from the farm AS in Woosmer Hof in the direction of Woosmer. After crossing the river Röcknitz you can ride or be driven in the direction of Silesia in the magic forest . In spring the fresh forest soil smells, in summer the blueberries attract and in autumn the mushrooms. Passing the black moor, your imagination will be fired. Together, you'll keep an eye out for fairies, elves and goblins before resting in a distinctly beautiful spot in the forest. Well strengthened, you then continue your way, leave the forest and let your gaze wander over the vast fields. Passing Woosmer and Schlonsberge you will reach Woosmer Hof again, where the trekking tour ends with a hearty campfire.

For the whole family

The Hof-AS recommends this tour for riders and non-riders, for beginners as well as for those who want to start riding again. You can then end the day in peace and quiet with a cozy get-together. Of course, the "calluses" on your butt can be cured in the comfortable beds of the Hof-AS.


Woosmer Hof - Woosmer - Silesia - in the direction of Dömnitz - Woosmer - Schlonsberge - Woosmer Hof


More information

More info / links:

  • Highlights: switch between riding or riding in the pony trek, returning riders, late starters, for the whole family.

Picture gallery

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