Cabaret "The German language is a joke"

8/3/24 in Rerik

03_08_The German language PLAKAT with Atze

15.00 €

The next dates:

  • Saturday, Aug 3, 202419:00 o'clock
Theatre & Stage, KunstOffen

With Ulf Annel and Jürgen Adlung

The Erfurt "Arche" cabaret artist Ulf Annel has his little book of shaking rhymes "Kummerschluss mit Schlummerkuss" ("A sorrowful end with a slumber kiss") in his luggage and, of course, a head full of funny ideas. He thinks the German language is a joke. He will amusingly demonstrate the persuasive power of individual vowels and show that we use something every day that often causes difficulties, something that some people don't like to use, but which is full of surprises: our language. Ulf Annel takes us into the world of wordplay, where a single letter can change the world. An amusing program that has already enticed many an audience to enjoy the mother tongue of our homeland again.

Part of the party - or is it party? - Jürgen Adlung alias Mr. Speedfinger on the piano

Picture gallery

03_08_The German language PLAKAT with Atze

Good to know


15.00 €

Event dates
  • Saturday, Aug 3, 2024 19:00 o'clock
Event Location

House of encounter "Kösterschün

Dünenstraße 4a
18230 Rerik
+49 (0) 38296 78429
Contact the organiser

Spa administration Rerik

Dünenstraße 7
18230 Rerik
+49 38296 78429
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