It protects us from environmental influences, regulates the heat balance and surrounds our organism almost completely: the skin. In addition, our largest organ performs many other functions. Prof. Dr. Michael Jünger, Professor of Dermatology and Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Skin Diseases at the University of Greifswald, told us interesting facts about rehabilitation measures for skin diseases.

Prof. Dr. Jünger: Generalized inflammation of the skin can be caused by allergens that are in the air. A change of region, e.g. during a vacation at the Baltic Sea, can cause the skin inflammation to subside. On the one hand, because the composition of the air can be changed in comparison to the place of residence. On the other hand, because the allergens individually triggering the skin inflammation are not present at the Baltic Sea. The fact is that a change of climate has been proven to alleviate symptoms of some skin diseases. In this respect, the stimulating climate of the Baltic Sea region offers a very suitable environment for appropriate rehabilitation measures.

What are the benefits of mother-child cures for children's skin diseases?

Prof. Dr. Jünger: A child suffering from neurodermatitis or psoriasis presents parents with great challenges. Inflammatory skin diseases like these are accompanied by severe itching. The child is constantly scratching, restless, has trouble falling asleep, whines, and is unable to concentrate. Such a situation is stressful in the long run. A mother- or father-child-cure offers therapies and offers above all support for exhausted parents. This helps to regain calm and a certain family dynamic. If, however, the focus is to be on the skin disease of the offspring, I recommend a specially designed rehab for children or adolescents, preferably accompanied by a parent.

An inpatient rehab measure for skin diseases. What are the effects?

Prof. Dr. Jünger: While the treatment of a skin disease in an acute clinic involves the use of quickly effective medicinal or physical therapies, a rehab measure offers considerably more possibilities. Here it concerns the combination of medically indicated therapy with nourishing consultation, relaxation offers, psychotherapy and above all knowledge transfer. The better parents understand their child's illness and the therapy approaches, the more confidently they deal with it. Moreover, in the course of rehab, some mothers and fathers realize better that and how medication really helps their children. Another important aspect - unfortunately, fears of possible side effects outweigh the benefits for some parents.

Any tips for protecting the skin in the Baltic Sea region?

Prof. Dr. Jünger: You should generally protect your skin from direct sunlight, not just at the Baltic Sea. Depending on your skin type, just ten minutes in the sun can be enough for a severe sunburn. Light-proof clothing offers the best protection. The so-called "sun terraces", i.e. shoulders, scalp and face, should be particularly protected. Sensitive children's skin should also be covered with UV-proof clothing on the beach, not forgetting the back, stomach and thighs. Commercially available sunscreen products only offer deceptive safety, because they only extend the possible stay in the sun by a short period of time. Speaking of dangerous: ticks live here in the north, too. Anyone who has spent time outdoors should definitely check themselves and their children thoroughly in the evening.

In MV, the derma app is an element of telemedicine. What does it offer guests in the state?

Prof. Dr. Jünger: Telemedicine can currently only fulfill certain tasks, currently especially in the follow-up care of known patients. At the moment, the Derma-App is far from being available to every doctor in private practice and therefore only to a few patients. However, in MV and neighboring Brandenburg, doctors from 11 emergency outpatient clinics are now exchanging information with specialists from our skin clinic. This leads to qualitatively acceptable therapy decisions. But what the app does not provide, for example, is a remote diagnosis via a selfie sent in. Guests in the country are therefore unlikely to come across the Derma app.

Prof. Dr. Michael Jünger, Professor of Dermatology and Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Skin Diseases at the University of Greifswald, © Michael Jünger