Fruit tree pruning seminar

11/9/24 in Klausdorf

© Angela Pfennig

The next dates:

  • Saturday, Nov 9, 202410:00 - 16:00 clock

Seminar with Sebastian Weiland | gardener & fruit tree warden | NABU Greifswald regional group, participation: 40 euros, students: 20 euros


Care of fruit trees, espalier fruit and berry bushes

Part 1

Theoretical basics of caring for fruit trees
Why pruning, different tree shapes, rootstocks, in the tree nursery from the root/noble rice to the finished tree, the different laws of growth, planting, correct training, rules for the care of young and old trees as well as espalier fruit, a small variety study, plant protection without chemicals, habitat orchard

Part 2

Practical demonstration on the care of young trees, small-crowned trees, old trees, espalier fruit and berry bushes

Part 3

Practical exercises in small groups on caring for espalier fruit, old trees and restoring aged trees

Please bring weatherproof clothing and, if necessary, your own pruning tools.


Picture gallery

Good to know

Event dates
  • Saturday, Nov 9, 2024 10:00 - 16:00 clock
Event Location

Trellis orchard Klausdorf

Prohner Straße 38
18445 Klausdorf

Contact the organiser

Stralsund Academy for Garden and Landscape Culture

Sarnowstraße 6D
18435 Stralsund


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