"Sounding 4 seasons at Dreilützow Castle"
The motto of the family music weekend is "Four Seasons of Music at Dreilützow Castle".
The Arbeitskreis Musik in der Jugend e.V. will once again be a guest at Schloss Dreilützow with a family music weekend. This year we want to bring the castle to life with singing, dancing and music under the motto "Musically through the 4 seasons"! The weekend is aimed at families with children of all ages, but grandparents, aunts, uncles and other family members are also welcome. Young and old people with varying degrees of musical experience will sing and make music together. On the one hand in large groups in the plenum and on the other hand in various workshops.
Depending on the number of registrations, the following offers are available at the weekend:
For young people and adults:
- Chamber orchestra
- Choir
- Wind ensemble:
- Percussion/boomwhacker group
- Dance
For children:
- Orchestra
- Dance
- "Music for everyone" (adults are also welcome in this supporting program)
The highlight of the weekend is the final plenary session, in which the results will be presented.
Further information and registration at