The object was built in the 1930s. It consists of an underground network of corridors, rooms and shelters. For years it was a secret that only the officers knew about in the People's Republic of Poland. Since 2014, the facility has been open to visitors.
The underground city on the island of Wollin was opened to the public in May 2014. It is another venture of history buffs after the Coastal Defense Museum and is a branch of the museum. After Fort Gerhards was restored and opened to visitors, it was the turn of the Underground City.
For years, the Underground City was a secret military facility whose existence was known only to the highest-ranking officers of the People's Republic of Poland. It is a network of underground corridors almost a kilometer long, with several dozen rooms and shelters hidden under coastal dunes. The construction of the complex began in the 30th years of the 20th century. These facilities were the third largest coastal defense battery on the Polish coast. Until recently, the area was administered by the military and it was impossible to get here.
The tour of the complex is done in an interactive way. Tourists are organized into "trains" and set off under the watchful eye of the "commander". Visiting the complex is a journey through time full of attractions. One of the attractions, in addition to the kilometer-long walk through the tunnel connecting the shelters, is a fully equipped engine room shelter, which is still partially in operation.
Die Anlage ist ein Zeugnis der Geschichte, das jeder sehen sollte, und für Geschichtsliebhaber ist das, was sie unter der Erde sehen, zweifellos eine echte Freude.
Die Besichtigung des Komplexes dauert etwa 90 Minuten. Eingang nur mit einem Führer möglich. Die Anzahl der Personen, die unter die Erde gleichzeitig gehen dürfen, ist begrenzt. Die Temperatur in der Anlage überschreitet nie 10 Grad.