"The meaning of evil"

9/15/24 in Stralsund

Unfortunately already over

Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.

Seminars, Courses & Workshops, Lecture & Science

Speaker: Hans Bonneval

What is the purpose of evil in the world?

Is it not simply a disruptive factor that hinders the healthy development of humanity? Can the evil that has been playing out before our eyes for a hundred years, for example, also have a good meaning? Why have the two greatest catastrophes of humanity, the First and Second World Wars, not led to people banishing lies, violence and war from their lives?

Rudolf Steiner's answers to these questions open up a completely new understanding of the world and mankind.

Seminar with breaks

Admission: reasonable voluntary contribution (recommended donation 30 - 50 €)

Please register in advance at: karolineruesing@web.de or on 0157 3565 9693

Good to know

Event dates
  • Sunday, Sep 15, 2024 14:00 - 20:00 clock
Event Location

Wasserstraße 72
18439 Stralsund

Contact the organiser

Wasserstraße 72
18439 Stralsund



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