
5/25/24 in Greifswald

Unfortunately already over

Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.

Naturally Romantic

Music by Schumann and poems by Heine

Schumann and Heine. An innovative, sensitive encounter between this unique poetry and music. The cello reproduces the emotionality of the human voice like no other instrument and, together with the intimate sound of the guitar, ideally recreates the mood described by Heine - the romantic, torn poet. Heine's poems are recited by the world-famous actor Hanns Zischler in a solo performance, preceded by the music, which is played by the delicately sonorous combination of guitarist Jerzy Chwastyk and cellist Susanne Szambelan. Tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/870817447427?aff=oddtdtcreator With Caspar David Friedrich through the year 2024 - We are there!

Good to know

Event dates
  • Saturday, May 25, 2024 20:00 o'clock
Event Location

Domstr. 11
17489 Greifswald

Contact the organiser

Domstr. 11
17489 Greifswald