Cancelled: John von Düffel's debut work "Oi" - A socially critical play against forgetting, presented by the amateur theater Thalia

6/3/24 in Ludwigslust

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Scene & Trends, Theatre & Stage, Literature

Great honor for Hamburg's oldest amateur theater, the Volksspielbühne Thalia 1879 e.V.: Their staged production of the socially critical play "Oi" by John von Düffel has been nominated for the German Amateur Theater Award amarena 2024! With this prestigious award, the Bund Deutscher Amateur Theater (BDAT) recognizes the high quality and creative power of amateur theater every two years. Out of more than 200 theater productions nationwide, the board of trustees nominated "Oi" as one of three productions in the "Performing Arts" category. Directed by Raik Woitha, John von Düffel's debut work is a highly topical piece and will be performed on June 3, 2024 at the Stadthalle Ludwigslust as a school performance in the morning and as an evening event from 7 pm.

The play is about journeyman butcher Norber Michel, who gets caught up in a political movement in which the members communicate in a d(oi)tschtümnmelnde language. He actually desires the Polish dancer Mali. But he opts for the safer option and marries the plump Irmchen.

What do you do when everything around you is mutating?
When you don't understand any of this?
Are you afraid? And if so, what do you do about it? Do you look away? Do you adapt?
Do you intervene or do you take sides, or even flee?
How do you live (together) between love, brutality, reason, stupidity, ethics and egoism?
Driven by envy and sensing power, hatred is unleashed.
DOIt's staggering towards the end?

It is a play about love, reason and ethics on the one hand and exclusion, stupidity, selfishness, violence and powerlessness on the other.

In his critical first play "Oi" (published by Merlin Verlag in 1995), author John von Düffel describes social upheavals that could not be more topical. Threats to liberal, enlightened humanist values. The attack on the basic democratic order, through the attack on individual and thus societal freedoms.

The author

John von Düffel, born in 1966, is one of the best-known young German playwrights and writers.

writers. During his youth, he lived for several years in Northern Ireland and South Dakota,

USA. After graduating from high school in Oldenburg, he studied philosophy, German literature and economics and completed his doctorate in 1989 with a thesis on epistemology. He initially worked as a film and theater critic, later as a dramaturge in Stendal, Oldenburg, Basel, Bonn and Hamburg. John von Düffel is currently dramaturge at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. Performance rights: MERLIN VERLAG Andreas Meyer Verlags GmbH + Co KG

The guest performance will take place on Monday, June 3, 2024 in the Stadthalle Ludwigslust, Christian-Ludwig-Str. 1. Admission from 18.00 hrs. Start: 7 p.m., duration of the event: approx. 2 hours. Organizer: City of Ludwigslust

Ticket reservation

Ticket sales at the Ludwigslust Information Office, Schloßstraße 41, 19288 Ludwigslust, Tel. 03874 / 526 251; Email:, tickets from 15 euros, reduced tickets from 13 euros for schoolchildren, students, severely disabled persons from 70 % GbB and holders of the MV volunteer card. All prices incl. VAT.

Good to know


13.00 € to 15.00 €

Ticket sales at the Ludwigslust Information Office, Schloßstraße 41, 19288 Ludwigslust, Tel. 03874 / 526 251; Email:, tickets from 15 euros, reduced tickets from 13 euros for schoolchildren, students, severely disabled persons with a disability of 70% or more and holders of the MV volunteer card. All prices incl. VAT.

Event dates
  • Monday, Jun 3, 2024 19:00 - 21:00 clock cancelled
Event Location

Ludwigslust town hall

Stadthalle Ludwigslust, Christian-Ludwig-Str. 1
19288 Ludwigslust

Contact the organiser

City Ludwigslust

Schloßstraße 38
19288 Ludwigslust
+49 3874 526-251