Fresh eyes in the digital age

4/17/24 in Bergen auf Rügen

10.00 €

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Seminars, Courses & Workshops, Wellness & Health

Workshop with Petra Schneider

Do you know the feeling of burning, aching or itching eyes after a
screen activity. Or have you ever seen worse after reading on a laptop, tablet or
smartphone, your eyesight gets worse?
The good news is, you can do something for your eyes.
The not-so-good news is, the eye reaction is normal, but still not
The blue light from electronic screens is short wavelength and lands directly back
on the retina. The retina does not find this continuous irradiation amusing at all and reacts
reacts with a change in the structure of the retina.
Before you feel this strain, you notice dry, tired and strained eyes.
These itch, burn or hurt.
In the workshop, you will learn how to regenerate and relax your eyes and why eye care is so extremely important.
- How to find out how your eyes are doing
- Why are digital screens hard on your eyes?
- SIX pieces of information on how to strengthen your eyes.
- SIX eye exercises to keep your eyes fit.
With the right eye exercises at your fingertips, you can relax and strengthen your eyes in minutes.
and strengthen your eyes anywhere in just a few minutes. You will notice how your eyes will once again read with
joy of reading, working or looking at a beautiful flower.
Speaker Petra Schneider, alternative practitioner and eye trainer

Good to know


10.00 €

Event dates
  • Wednesday, Apr 17, 2024 17:00 - 18:30 clock
Event Location

District adult education center Vorpommern-Rügen

Störtebekerstraße 8a
18528 Bergen auf Rügen
03838 20058-0
Contact the organiser

District adult education center Vorpommern-Rügen

Störtebeker Strasse 8a
18528 Bergen auf Rügen


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