Sun | 06.10. | 17.00 hrs | Gallery in the monastery
Exhibition opening: Frank Hormann and Dr. Steffen Kammler
Analog cameras are not only a return to original photography, but also create a special connection between the film material and the subject.
and the subject. Whether medium format, 35mm or large-format view cameras - analog cameras have been daily companions of Frank Hormann and Steffen Kammler for decades, who met in 2021 and have been exploring their surroundings photographically together on regular tours ever since. The photographs collected here are the results of this equally
individual and collaborative exploration of analog film material, camera technology and the available light. Frank Hormann, born in Rostock in 1960,
trained as a photographer from 1976-78. Steffen Kammler, born in Güstrow in 1977, worked at the University of Rostock after studying philosophy and Greek studies from 1998 to 2005.
Image: Frank Hormann, Berlin, winter 2021, photography
Steffen Kammler, Don Chixote, photography