Dementia in the spotlight: an extraordinary journey into reality

6/18/24 in Rostock

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Theatre & Stage

The "Network Dementia in Public Life" and the "ecolea | Internationale Schule Rostock" invite you to the event "Dementia in the spotlight - an extraordinary journey into reality" at the Compagnie de Comédie/BÜHNE 602 theater on June 18.

Have you ever tried to look in a mirror and put marbles from a cup into a bowl with a spoon? Have you ever despaired of buttoning a shirt with gloves on?

The seventh-grade students at the "ecolea | Internationale Schule Rostock" have experienced the helplessness felt by people who can no longer do the things they are used to. As part of a class project in the "Performing Arts" course on the subject of dementia, they dealt intensively with the clinical picture. They learned how people with dementia perceive their surroundings, what difficulties they have to contend with in everyday life and what treatment options are available.

The results of this discussion are self-developed stage scenes, which the students will present on June 18 at the "Theater Compagnie de Comédie/BÜHNE 602". The performance will be framed by a varied program of the "Dementia in Public Life Network", which will provide information, encourage discussion and be fun.

In view of social structures and an increasingly older population, the prevalence of dementia is on the rise. It is an issue that affects more and more people indirectly or directly. The event organized by the "ecolea" and the "Network Dementia in Public Life Rostock" is intended to honor students' achievements on this topic and at the same time convey a positive message: We can only manage the extraordinary journey of dementia with respectful and empathetic interaction with one another - and this applies not only to the old, but also to the young!

Good to know

Event dates
  • Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024 17:00 - 20:00 clock
Event Location


Warnowufer 55
18057 Rostock
+49 381 2036084
Contact the organiser

ecolea | International School Rostock

Fritz-Reuter-Straße 10
18119 Warnemünde
+49 381 54 84 360


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