Concert with the Leipzig Youth Accordion Orchestra Tremolo

8/8/23 in Sellin

free of charge
for free

Unfortunately already over

Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.

World Music, Classical Music, Open-Air Festival

The young musicians of the Leipzig orchestra make music in the evening on the Selliner Ostseeterrassen behind in the upper Wilhelmstraße

In a line-up of about 30 accordionists as well as keyboarder and drummer the orchestra profiled itself since 1999 under the name TREMOLO nonstop, whereby the addition "nonstop" is to be understood as a demarcation and indication of constant advancement of our quality and variety. TREMOLO nonstop is a young ensemble in many respects: the young and young-at-heart musicians as well as female musicians and, of course, the youthful program, which inspires the most diverse age groups. This leads the audience through many musical genres and shows in an entertaining way the tonal possibilities of an accordion orchestra.


Good to know


free event

Event dates
  • Tuesday, Aug 8, 2023 19:00 - 21:00 clock
Event Location

Baltic Sea Terraces

Wilhelmstraße 27
18586 Sellin

Contact the organiser

Spa administration Sellin

Warmbadstraße 4
18586 Ostseebad Sellin
038303 160


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