The initiative LuK e.V. makes KITTZ (KInderTheater in DömiTZ) possible, on Sunday, October 6, 2024, at 3:00 pm, in the council chamber of the old town hall in Dömitz (Rathausplatz 1, 19303 Dömitz)
The Frog King
A transformation play by the village theater Siemitz for all ages 4 and up
A clown wants to tell the children his favorite fairy tale, that of the "Frog King". And because it's even better with music, he takes out his saxophone. But strangely, the instrument only makes pathetic sounds. And really: aren't there two trusting beady eyes peering out of the sax?
The frog is desperate to play along and wants the story to end well.
Or... are you supposed to sit in a deep well until the end of your days?