Unfortunately already over
Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.
Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.
The Rock'n'Roll Show With the original stars from the Buddy Holly musical
In 2024, after 7 years, the time has finally come again. The musicians are coming back to the theaters in Greifswald, Stralsund and Putbus for one evening. They have their new frontman Stefan "Preston" Klöbzig from the Firebirds with them and with him their completely new program.
One of the most successful and best rock'n'roll shows continues to cast a spell over its audience in the 50s and 60s in an inimitable way. In their current show, they passionately dedicate themselves to the greatest hits of the rock'n'roll and twist era. A fast-paced show, as always full of wit and esprit, where not only rock'n'roll fans will get their money's worth.
Further information at www.buddyholly.de
27.00 € to 33.00 €
Markt 13
18581 Putbus
Markt 13
18581 Putbus