The Infomobile of the German Bundestag will be visiting Neubrandenburg on the market square from 30.09.2024 to 02.10.2024. The Infomobile offers citizens the opportunity to first-hand information about the tasks and working methods of the parliament.
The Infomobile is a 17 meter long and 26 tonne heavy
promotion truck, which the Bundestag uses to visit around 60
places in Germany every year. Over the course of two
electoral periods, each of the 299 constituencies will be visited.
Group visits, in particular by school classes of up to 30
people, can be arranged. Freelance
freelancers are available on behalf of the Bundestag to provide
information and knowledge transfer for visitors and for moderated
moderated discussion rounds.
The Infomobile has a wide range of printed and digital information
information as well as a photo wall that displays photos of the
visitors at the "lectern of the plenary chamber". With
a "virtual tour" you can experience a visit to the
plenary chamber of the Bundestag. The "wheel of fortune" offers
small prizes. Access for wheelchair users is possible
wheelchair users via an "elevator".
For up-to-date information, please contact the
Public Relations Department of the Bundestag by calling
030-227-35196 or by e-mail to
For all those for whom a current visit to the Infomobile is not possible
visit to the Infomobile, we would like to refer you to our download and
order service for Bundestag publications.
At you can download many useful flyers
and other information (such as a text of the Basic Law) in
Basic Law) can be downloaded directly in PDF format or
ordered as a printed copy free of charge with postal delivery
can be ordered free of charge by post.