Bun Venit 2024 Works of the international art symposium in the Mecklenburg Lake District
The international art symposium in the Mecklenburg Lake District with Romanian, Israeli and German artists took place this year from September 1 - 8, 2024 in the premises of the Alte Kachelofenfabrik in Neustrelitz.
A total of 10 artists from the district of Bistrița-Năsăud (Romania), the Brenner regional association (Israel) and the Mecklenburg Lake District spent a week working together, living together, exchanging ideas and dedicating themselves entirely to art under the project management of Ines Diederich. Ramona Seyfarth, Rico. and Bernd Kerkin from the Mecklenburg Lake District took part in this year's symposium. The works created were presented in a joint exhibition in the Kulturscheune on 07.09.2024 at 6 pm. Now the works can be seen from 02.10. - 16.10.2024 in the gallery of the 3 Königinnen Palais.