Felting a carpet of life - creating pictures together. Mothers with daughters / grandmothers and their granddaughters / (god)aunts with nieces or godchildren aged 8 and over (15.-17.11.24)
On this weekend, we offer the space for many creative joint activities. The methods are varied. They range from nature experiences, intuitive painting and writing to the creation of a joint felt artwork. Whatever is right for your connection at the moment can be created in a relaxed and natural way. Everyone can work individually and as a team. Dreilützow Castle, with its spacious park grounds, ancient trees and small, beautiful group house, will be an ideal space for movement just for us this weekend.
A minimum of 10 participants is required. Overnight accommodation will be in the Marienhaus, an outbuilding of Dreilützow Castle. You can find out more at www.fabi-luebeck.de.
Anyone interested can contact the Catholic Family Education Center Lübeck (landline: 0451-7098733; mobile: 0162-5154801 email: info@fabi-luebeck.de) or Dreilützow Castle.
Course leaders: Alenka Baerens (experiential educator, "Mädchenzeit" teamer), Gabriele Küther-Staudler (felt maker, nature coach, work with women and girls), Silke Meyer (family counselor (DGSF))
A cooperation of Schloss Dreilützow with the Catholic Family Education Center Lübeck e.V. and the Protestant Women's Association Lübeck-Lauenburg.