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Children's reading of the adventurous journey through time to medieval Ribnitz
...Caspar hates riding on merry-go-rounds. And now this green fog has first spun him around like crazy and then spat him out here. Barefoot and in his pyjamas! He's cold. And how it stinks here! It must be a dream. "I want to wake up right now," he whispers and closes his eyes.
But nothing happens. Some things seem familiar to him: the view of the water, the church. But can this be Ribnitz? Everything is so much smaller ... and dirtier.
When he suddenly comes face to face with a strangely dressed boy who resembles him like an egg, Caspar begins to suspect something. Could the poisonous green vortex have hurled him into the past? If so, the boy in front of him may have been his great-great-great-grandfather.
Caspar did indeed end up in Ribnitz in the year 1297. In "The Curse of the Red Fox", the first volume in the children's book series "The Secret of the Sea Chest - Caspar Voss on a Journey Through Time", you can find out what adventures he has to go through there together with his great-great-grandfather and his friends, and whether he can return home in time.