Unfortunately already over
Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.
Unfortunately, the event you have called is already in the past.
Songs from a period of about 40 years
Gerhard Schöne loves change and has remained true to himself and his audience
for 40 years now.
He is one of the very few of the once proud and large group of East German singer-songwriters
songwriters whose productivity and popularity have remained unbroken since 1990.
This is evidenced not only by 25 albums, but especially by the large number of annual concerts
in East, West and Central Germany. They were and are the greatest experience - for young and
big human children alike.
The songs of Gerhard Schöne's new solo evening follow a well-known children's game.
well-known children's game. What do I see that you don't? What do you discover that
that I know nothing about? What jumps out at you? What is hidden and
wants to be lovingly discovered? Why can't I see the wood for the trees?
When does a change of perspective help?
Beautiful songs from a period of around 40 years invite you to take a fresh look at the familiar
to take a fresh look at the familiar, to take off blinders and show each other undiscovered land.
to each other.
In his solo concerts, the singer-songwriter covers the entire spectrum of his
new songs, sings many of his own classics and, in doing so, responds to the wishes of his audience.
to the wishes of his audience.
He also has his current albums "Summen Singen Schreien" and "Ich bin ich"
for children.
Seestraße 8
17454 Zinnowitz